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A Scholarly Journey: Ottoman Kanunnâme and Mediterranean Literatures

A Scholarly Journey: Ottoman Kanunnâme and Mediterranean Literatures
  • Event Location
  • Activity Start
    2024-06-06 17:00
  • Activity End
    2024-06-06 18:00
  • This event has ended. Thank you for your attention.

The Department of Comparative Literature and the Erasmus project “Do You Know the City You Live In?” are organizing an event titled “A Scholarly Journey: Ottoman Kanunnâmesi and Mediterranean Literatures” for the second edition of the Modern Pilgrims Reading Series. The event, which will be hosted by Assoc. Prof. Ceyhan Arslan from Koç University, will be held on Thursday, June 6 at 17.00 on the online videoconference platform Zoom.

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