Zehra Haliloğlu, Lecturer at our Department of Comparative Literature, attended the international conference organized by The Renaissance Society of America in Chicago between March 21-23 this year. The annual meeting of The Renaissance Society of America, the largest interdisciplinary academic organization aiming to study the period between 1300 and 1700, brought together more than 2,000 speakers and participants.
Zehra Haliloğlu, who presented her study titled "Shipwreck as a Metaphor of Subversion in Shakespeare's Mediterranean Plays" in the panel titled "Laws and Customs of the Early Modern Sea" organized within the scope of the conference, emphasized in her presentation that Shakespeare actually uses capsized ships in his Mediterranean plays as a metaphor for the characters' identity confusion and the disruption of social order. In this context, she emphasized the independence of sea and land customs and Shakespeare's representation of the Mediterranean as a lawless and unregulated area.