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Modern Pilgrims Series Book Analysis Session Was Held

Modern Pilgrims Series Book Analysis Session Was Held
The session, organized in cooperation with our Department of Comparative Literature and Department of History, is a part of the "Modern Pilgrims Series" project.

The Modern Travelers Series Book Analysis Session was held on April 19, 2024 at the Student Center with the participation of faculty members and students from the Department of Comparative Literature and the Department of History.

In the event, Dr. Rahmi Oruç from the Department of Comparative Literature conducted a comprehensive reading on Yirmisekiz Mehmet Çelebi's "Paris Sefâretnâmesi". In addition to emphasizing the historical and cultural significance of the text, this review was a preliminary activity for the students who were entitled to participate in the Erasmus+ project "Do You Know The City You Live In?", which includes mobility between Turkey and France and was brought to our University by Ömer Faruk Yıldırım, a student from the Department of Political Science and International Relations.

The project, which is part of a wider initiative supported by the European Union and UNESCO, aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of our students before their mobility activities begin.

The Department of Comparative Literature is proud to have organized this enriching academic endeavor in partnership with the Department of History and looks forward to continuing to uphold the tradition of interdisciplinary collaboration and academic excellence.